A report on Nasdaq this week said that Germany could produce 65% of its electricity with onshore wind if wind farms were erected on 2% of its total land. The statement was made by industry group Bundesverband WindEnergie (BEW), based on a commissioned study.
can replace nuclear power and some coal-fired power plants.
The study calculates that Germany’s wind power potential could reach 198 gigawatts, which would produce 390 terawatt-hours. The nuclear industry’s output was 140 terawatt hours in 2010.
In the wake of Japan’s nuclear disaster, Germany has been the most pro-active country in putting nuclear plans on hold and unplugged seven older nuclear power stations.
The latest figures show that Germany’s wind power capacity was 27 gigawatts at the end of 2010. Bavaria in the south of the country has the biggest wind potential, currently underused with a production of only 500 MW installed capacity.
(Source: http://www.energyrefuge.com/blog/germany-could-be-powered-mostly-by-wind by APasolini)
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