Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

TimberTowers: Advantages of wooden towers for wind turbines

Holger Giebel, Managing Director of TimberTower GmbH presents the unique advantages of the innovative wooden towers for wind turbines his company produces. The wooden tower leads to lower project costs, it is easier to transport, it is manufactured from renewable resources and it supports the regional added value. A timber tower bonds 400t of CO2 instead of releasing it. Read the whole interview to learn more about this innovative product.

IQPC: What is your company’s role in the wind industry?

Holger Giebel: TimberTower GmbH develops, erects and sells timber towers for multi-megawatt class wind turbines including the foundation.

IQPC: In a fast growing and developing market, like the wind industry, how is your company setting itself apart?

H.G.: TimberTower GmbH is the first company worldwide, who builds wooden towers for large wind turbines. The construction has many advantages: It leads to lower project costs, it is easier to transport, it is manufactured from renewable resources and it supports the regional added value.We can guarantee on the one hand highest quality with our experienced and specialized partners, on the other hand a minimum tower life cycle of 40 years with our procedure for durable conservation. With a tower height of 100m we save 300t of steel. Beyond that a timber tower bonds 400t of CO2 instead of releasing it.TimberTower GmbH is the first company worldwide, who builds wooden towers for large wind turbines. The construction has many advantages: It leads to lower project costs, it is easier to transport, it is manufactured from renewable resources and it supports the regional added value.We can guarantee on the one hand highest quality with our experienced and specialized partners, on the other hand a minimum tower life cycle of 40 years with our procedure for durable conservation. With a tower height of 100m we save 300t of steel. Beyond that a timber tower bonds 400t of CO2 instead of releasing it.

Interested in reading on? Find the complete interview HERE

Get more information about new tower concepts, tower interfaces and upcoming regulations on the 1st international conference Advances in Wind Turbine Towers!

Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012

Tokyo Gas France: LNG in Asia and Europe

Hiroshi Kondo, Deputy General Manager at Tokyo Gas (Paris Office) explains Japan’s interest in emerging LNG markets in other Asian countries and Europe. He also compares and analyses Japan’s and Europe’s situation within the LNG and gas market, especially concerning the pricing. Read the whole interview for this expert information.

Joanna Scheffel: Hello, my name is Joanna Scheffel from IQPC and today I am talking to Mr. Hiroshi Kondo, Paris Representative Office Deputy General Manager at Tokyo Gas. First of all welcome and thank you for joining me here. We’ll be talking about LNG terminals. Could you perhaps say something about your role and the company you are working at?

Hiroshi Kondo: Hello, I´m Hiroshi Kondo of the Tokyo Gas Paris office. I am analyzing the European market, as well as Africa and the Middle East.

J.S.: How is your company setting itself apart within the industry concerning LNG terminals?

H.K.: First of all, Tokyo Gas is the largest gas distribution company in Japan. And at the same time, we at Tokyo Gas own our three receiving terminals in Tokyo, or Kantō region area, in Japan.

J.S.: How do you see the current market situation in Japan? 

H.K.: As you know, Japan is facing a terrible situation about energy due to a loss in nuclear power. I should explain some details. The import of volume in Japan increased significantly to 78.5 million tons in 2011 from 70 million tons in the previous year of 2010. This was mainly due to the loss in nuclear power. This picture that LNG is being an alternative source to nuclear power will continue for some time. In the past, about 30% of Japan’s electricity came from nuclear power.  So this big portion will influence the LNG market on a global basis.

Interested in reading on? Find the whole interview HERE

See more about IQPC's 

International Conference LNG Receiving Terminals

04 - 05 September in Barcelona

Montag, 11. Juni 2012

Energieschulden: Das Licht ausknipsen?

Besser ist effektives Forderungsmanagement!
Lesen Sie, was Rechtsanwalt Dr. Dietmar Hempel  empfiehlt und erfahren Sie die Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen aus juristischer Sicht.
Hier finden Sie das Exklusiv-Interview mit dem  Forderungsmanagement-Experten.
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Dietmar Hempel ist seit 2009 in Kooperation mit Höch & Partner (Rechtsanwälte, Dortmund). Bis 2009 war er Justitiar der WSW Energie & Wasser AG. Außerdem ist Dr. Hempel Verfasser zahlreicher Veröffentlichungen und hält Vorträge wie Seminare zum Recht der Energieversorgung, insbesondere zum Vertragsrecht der leitungsgebundenen Energieversorgung und zu den Allgemeinen Versorgungsbedingungen. Weiterhin ist er Prozessbevollmächtigter in Gerichtsverfahren wegen Forderungen aus der Energie- und Wasserversorgung.

Hier finden Sie mehr Informationen zu IQPCs Jubiläumsveranstaltung Forderungmanagement IS-U/CSS.

Montag, 4. Juni 2012

EVU rüsten Systemlandschaft für neue Prozesse - Impressionen unserer 9. Jahrestagung Unbundling 2012

An drei Tagen drehte sich in Berlin wieder alles um Prozesse, IT-Systeme und Regulierung in der Energiebranche. Mehr als 150 Fachvertreter waren bei dem 9. Jahresforum vor Ort und nutzten die Gelegenheit für das Networking mit Kollegen und Lösungsanbietern.
Wie immer unter dem Motto "Regulierung trifft auf Anwender" zeichnete sich die Konferenz durch ihre Praxisnähe und mehr als 30 Case Studies aus. Innovative Konzepte wie Speed Networking und ein Erfolgscoaching vom Sportpsychologen Professor Hans-Dieter Hermann waren die Highlights des Programms.

Die Höhepunkte der Veranstaltung in unserem Impressionen-Video: